rancher mysql部署

Last updated on September 15, 2024 pm

🧙 Questions

mysql8.0 rancher安装

☄️ Ideas

  • Name: infra-mysql
  • Docker Image: mysql:8.0
  • Port Mapping:
    • Port Name: mysql-port
    • Publish the container port: 3306
    • On listening port: 30102
  • Volumes: Bind-mount a directory from the node
    • vol1:
      • Path on the Node:/data/mysql/data
      • Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql
    • vol2:
      • Path on the Node: /data/mysql/conf/my.cnf
      • Mount Point: /etc/mysql/my.cnf
    • vol3:
      • Path on the Node: /data/mysql/mysql-files
      • Mount Point: /var/lib/mysql-files

rancher mysql部署
https://ispong.isxcode.com/kubernetes/rancher/rancher mysql部署/
Posted on
May 28, 2021
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